Why do women get paid less? Here are 9 reasons.
We know that there’s no reason for women to be paid less than men. And yet, women are still discriminated against when it comes to pay, and women still have…
We know that there’s no reason for women to be paid less than men. And yet, women are still discriminated against when it comes to pay, and women still have…
Your daughter has a bat mitzvah, and you want it to be really special. But it seems like it’s all been done before. So how do you combine your daughter’s…
It’s 2020 and women are still discriminated against when it comes to pay. In the US, women are paid 82 cents for every dollar men get paid. In Canada, 74…
While working on copy for laundry detergent and watching dozens of commercials, it recently occurred to me what a transformation laundry detergent commercials have undergone. In the likeable housewives era…
I met gender expert and artist Shira Richter two months ago, interviewing her for this month’s InspHERation blog post. In our long and fascinating conversation, Shira mentioned her mentor, Marilyn…
A few days ago, 60 women arrived at the Knesset to show that they are ready for equal representation in local councils. But the symposium they met for, called Join.…
Israel is a modern country based on modern values. But it is also a place where many believe that synagogue should inform state, where women-barring religious parties make up almost…
Me too. In my adult life. Here in Israel. On more than one occasion. It happened in a former work place. In two different positions. Two different men. A couple…
Two days ago a woman was stoned because some boy decided she was dressed immodestly. This type of behaviour shouldn’t surprise us when there is an overall acceptance for the…
Do cute titles like “SHE-EO” and momtrepreneur do more harm than good? I recently read a thoughtful article on Fast Company about “cutesy titles” like She-EO, girlboss and girlpower that…
Sure, women have come a long way since the days that we weren’t allowed to vote, run marathons, or study in universities. But though it’s almost 2017, the road to…