60. Michal Shamir

Head, School of Art and Culture, Sapir College Israel

Critical Thinking

Michal Shamir
What it means?

Observation is the initial practice required for critical thinking. It involves stopping to observe, seek depth and interpret visual nuances.

Why it matters?

In a world where we are inundated with visual messages from social networks, television, private and public spaces, and everything in between, the importance of critical thinking cannot be overstated.
By observing and critically analyzing the power dynamics behind every marketed image, we can uncover the interests at play. This type of observation, along with critical thinking, enables us to be more engaged citizens, and also enhances our appreciation of art and nature.

How can we promote it?

Stop for a moment to pause and observe. Doing this from a particular point of view can be a transformative experience. And while it may not necessarily be a spiritual experience, it remains an incredibly valuable practice.
Whether it’s the cup of coffee, your neighbor’s balcony or a tree in the park, take ten minutes to pause and observe. Try to capture your observations in writing. This exercise is not meant to focus on the result, but rather on the act of observation itself.