9. Dr. Hadas Ben-Eli

Chair, Department of Optometry, Hadassah Academic College; Director, Optometry and Biometry Service, Hadassah Medical Center


Dr. Hadas Ben Eli
What it means?

A commitment is an agreement to do something in the future. In most cases, a person commits to do something that they really care about.
As the chair of the Optometry department at Hadassah Academic college, I commit to creating an academic environment that is world-class, pleasant and family-like for both students and faculty. I also commit to educating the next generation of optometrists using the most innovative pedagogic strategies while taking care of the eye health of the patients who come to the department’s clinics. As the director of Optometry and Biometry Service at Hadassah Medical Center I commit to creating a paradigm for collaboration between various medical professions for the benefit of patients, and to incorporate graduates into the hospital workforce.

Why it matters?

When a person commits to some mission, it will be done on the best way, no matter what efforts are needed to achieve this goal.

How can we promote it?

I think each person should write down 3-5 missions they commit to. Plan your time to ensure the achievement of the goals you have committed to – professionally and personally. This will help establish us as a successful society, and foster a sense of mutual goodwill and compassion among ourselves.